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An Opportunity toSpread the Gospel

God's desire that none should perish is often neglected and even ignored by individuals and churches today. Those faithful few serving on mission fields all over the globe have heeded the call to spread the good news of the gospel to every creature. They face physical hardships, public resistance, and even violence and death. 

The missionaries and evangelists we support depend on the funds pledged by church congregations to meet the daily needs of their families and churches. Please prayerfully consider making missions a part of your giving as we strive to serve our Lord Jesus Christ, not only in our communities, but across the world.

20% of EVERY purchase made through this website will go to support these missionaries and their families.

The commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Mark is clear: 

And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)

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